The folks over at Ain't it Cool News are reporting an awesome rumor that Both the Iron Man movie and Hulk movie are shooting a scene TOGETHER!!! Check out the story over there, and remember, it's still a rumor, so don't go getting too excited, but I sure as hell am!
oh yea right! Iron man would kick the hulks @s$!!! Iron man is nearly indestructable, the hulk is just really strong!
Obviously a really big Iron Man fan and so am I buuuut The Hulk is not just really strong he's strong on an incomprehensible scale... Envision that an aphid with the plague picked a fight with you after you've drank 17 energy drinks, mainlined pharmaceutical grade cocaine and then just to take the edge off did 9 super stacks of roids with a PCP chaser. I think that is as close as I can envision what The Hulk in a good mood would be like!
Well the new Hulk movie coming out has Tony Stark in it, obviously, and at the end of Iron Man was a little snippet featuring Tony Stark and Nick Fury, which may hint towards another Marvel movie featuring more characters.
Hulk would own Iron Man...wait..he already has, on many occasions. Stark even had to build special armor (Hulkbuster Armor) to even have a chance to survive the pounding. Plus, Iron Man is far from indestructable, on the other hand, the Hulk IS. Healing factor and invunerability to all known weapons.
Iron man would beat The hulk badly
The hulk cheats with his drugs or whatever makes him strong
Iron Man built his suit in a cave
Which sounds manlier
The Hulk sux!!!
I am a big ironman fan
omg... dont make me laugh
dont get me wrong, ironman is cool and everything...BUT...
he wouldnt last 2minuts against the hulk
oh n to the spaz who said hulk made himself that way, ur a spaz
he didnt make himself that way, ironman made his suit in a cave, fair play but seriously
about the only person who would stand a chance against the hulk is superman and even then hulk (with infinit power) would crush him aswel
oh, i think the picture pretty much sums up what would happen
piece out
um do any iron man fans think hulk would loose to iron man hulk would make him tin foil and if you have a doubt the picture says it all
OMG i cannot believe that you are fighting over who would win um let me guess the HULK iron man doesnt even have powers hulk does STRENGHTH INVULNURBILITY and hes really HUGE iron man is just some guy in a suit who thinks hes all that like batman
Sad thing is, I am a Marvel fan and think they are both wimps. Tony Stark is a smart cheater who made himself a superhero & Hulk is just a junkie who's a bad cross between Jolly green giant, dr. jekel/ mr. Hide, and Green Goblin. Now Superman...
Actually Iron man would fly circles around Hulk and put a bomb up his ass just for laughs. Maybe Combine the two: Hulk in a can, "MMM MMM Smash"
Iron Man is the smartest and most advanced superheroes of them all.On the other hand, the Hulk is the strongest of them all. The bottom line is, Smarts can beat Strength any day! GO IRON MAN P.S. I'm a huge fan of the Shellhead. :]
This is a stupid poll. this is a battle of the two newest blockbuster films. Iron Man vs Hulk, who would win? Do yourself a favor, save the headache and play Marvel vs Capcom 2 and have em duke it out. end the descussion. just a thought.
i dont care how strong hulk is, he can jump far, level buildings and do what ever he wants.
iron man can fucking fly circles around him, shoot him with repulsors dogde his slow punches "if tony stark, who is a brilliant genius, so he would not even go in for a mele fight", shoot a missle up his green ass then blast him apart with a mini gun and then kick his ass again when he gets back up.
mean while the hulk is just gona be sitting there going "hulk crush metal man! but hulk cant reach metal man!"
seriously hulk is a big green strong retard. stuidly strong but whats it gona do to have fists that can level a building if there not gona hit anything.
meanwhile tonys gone be up there bored the tears as he shoots bomb after missle after repulsor after after after then laugh his head off because the big brute cant reach him
because he can fly!(and hes nearly indestructable, they dont call him the invincible iron man for nothing)
do you seriously think tony would be stupid enough to stay in range of the hulk? tony starks a briliant genius so he would not be stupid enough to try and punch the fing hulk
Sorry guys, Iron Man is my favorite, but the Hulk would win, even if iron man stayed away the hulk is indestructable, he was once disinegrated and then resurected from his ash. Hulk is a more favored hero than the others. The only person who would stand a chance of beating the hulk would be Agent Zero, since his power is to remove other heros healing factor
Ok, Iron Man is my favorite super, but i think the Hulk would be quite a challenge for the Genius Tony Stark. But the bottom line is, Smarts can overpower strength in any situation, period.
y'all bickering over sum weak shit man... just get that Rogue bitch from X-Men to go in, jack Hulk's powers n then u can be a fucking regular beat cop and u can kill him... anybody can be stopped if u exploit their weakness...get Iron Man out of his suit n hes done... I love both heroes, but theyre not fully invincible.. just like Superman get sum Kryptonite and the muh fucka's over... and even if they dont got powers like Stark or Bruce Wayne, theyre still heroes for a reason...dayummm Hulk vs Iron man... too many fanboys out there riding their hero's cock u just gotta recognize that anybody can be beaten otherwise there wuld be no conflict in their stories and they wuldnt exist at all cuz it wuld be boring as hell after a while getting used to sum1 pwning with no consequences
The Hulk became who he is from gamma radiation lolz, he cant control when he hulks up, he has to be angry.. And also, I realyl do think Iron man would own hulk because of that.. Iron man could Just wait for bruce banner to appear instead of hulk and blow him to pieces :P And oh yah, if the hulk even tried to attack stark industries, Tony would become the Hulkbuster and beat him to peices anyway..
Anyone who reads the comics has seen the Hulk make Iron man his bitch. Hulk destroyed his hulk buster armor. You don't fight the Hulk. You reason with him. Anyone who "fights" the Hulk, loses.
Iron Man can't beat hulk, the only folks that can stop hulk are Galactus(easily beat the hulk), Silver Surfer, Juggernaut, Magneto, and Toxic.
I think I prefer hulk 2 win this fight, although Iron Man can just wait till the Hulk become the ordinary Bruce Banner, but in the new movie Hulk 2, Bruce already can control the gamma in his body 2 become Hulk again, remember when he fall from helicopter, Bruce isn't dead, isn't he? It means although Iron Man blast his repulsors 2 it will not make him die in one shot, it will be the the trigger for him to reform into the Hulk again. Even if Iron Man can fly fleeing from Hulk, the Hulk can jump and catch him or throw something big 2 the metal man, just wait till the power of his suit down to 0%, and it will be the end of the metal man. The Hulk absolutely will win this battle.
I know some of U already read the comics, but don't forget some times the writer prefer the good-looking character to be the winner, in this case, Iron Man is the one. But if U use your logic skill to compare all the skill between the 2 characters, absolutely Hulk dominate the battle, so use your logic to find the truth.
OH MY GOD, get a life, this is so pointless, I'm an Iron Man fan, and even I say, SHUT THE HELL UP
i think iron man would win and kick the hulks ass and bash his head up and play football with silver surfer with him. Iron man will win him man.
ironman would kick the hulks ass any day but wolverine would kick ironmas ass first
Keep up the good work.
ok the hulk will never die!!! Ironman got his ass kicked by a guy who flew in a suit for two minutes!! The iron mogger A.K.A. obadia's suit in the blockbuster film ironman was used by him for about two seconds and he was kiking ironmans ass. If it wasnt for pepper tony would be dead. The hulk can throw a 2 ton tank like its a baseball. and for all u idiots who say ironman will fly circles around the hulks head uhm first of all he wont have the mark 3 suit from the movie he will have the hulkbuster suit which is huge and not as fast the hulk will dismantle him in one hit. To make it simple the hulk is gonna crush the hulk buster on his head like a can of beer
Hulk is the best , even though iron man is instuctable, the hulk can crush
I love them both! The Hulk is the best and the iron man is cool too. Actually I like all the Marvel Heroes. What do you say? Ghost Rider, Dare Devil, Elektra, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Iron Man, Hulk, Avengers, The Punisher, Blade, Spiderman, and many more. But the DC Comic is much better and it has better heroes. Superman, Batman, Flash, Catwoman, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Hawkman, and the Justice League and there is many more. And they have the most amazing set of villain than Marvel.
Not Sure Which Would Win They're Both Awesome And Both Hard To Beat =]
I'm A Big Fan Of Heroes Spiderman,Hulk,Iron Man And Batman Are The Best Hands Down =]
Superman's Just Gay
And What Retard Said Iron Man Built His Suit In A Cave? That Was Batman
Iron Man Built His In His Basement
If You've Seen The Film You Would Remember
Pepper Walking In When He's Working On The Suit And He Says
"Alright, Before You Say Anything Lets Agree This Isn't The Worst Thing You've Caught Me Doing" =]
Omg guys they are both awesome. Iron man did build his first suit in a cave dumb ass, watch the movie again u quote the movie as if u produced it. how do u think he got out the cave???? aaaaahhh daa.
i think Britney spears would beat everyone!
I think hulk would win in a fight because stark uses technology and hulk his fists hulk is the bomb.
My friend put up the last comment. HE'S WRONG! When Stark's in his normal armor, hulk beats him. However, the Hulkbuster armor is designed to beat hulk! It's as strong as Hulk but with rockets and lasers and stuff.
my friend thinks iron man is better but i think hulk is better. he says iron man is better dude stark made a hulk buster just to fit him if he had his one were he fought stane he nearly lost pepper defeated stane.
excuse my friend's horrible grammar. Can Hulk change his powers for different situations? NO! Stark can!!!
The Hulk would beat IronMan badly because you forget! The more angry you make Hulk the stronger Hulk gets. Even though The Hulk will need the IronMans HELP!iN THE NEXT MOVIE to beat this huge blue monster that happens to be Mr.Blue he can totally beat the daylights out of nim or KILL Iron Man. I even think the Hulk can beat Galactus. The most powerful Supervillan ever The Watcher had to stop him.(for your information he is the creator of all superheroes.
Iron Man is finished.
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