So yesterday, I had to tell all of my coworkers and students that I am leaving at the end of the year.
Today, my Ipod was stolen (possibly by one of the aforementioned students) or lost. Yeah.
So my birthday is tomorrow, so hopefully the week will get better.
I Wear My Pop Culture On My Sleeve
Take a second and give a click on the advertisement to your right to check out some pretty cool pop culture related merchandise and such. Do it; it'll make you a better person. Fact.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Bush slams Stewart
I'll let the following video speak for itself.
George Bush slams Jon Stewart on the air.
George Bush slams Jon Stewart on the air.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Go read it.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I know I'm a massive nerd...
This is a pretty awesome show done by the Cal Marching Band last year - a show inspired by all that we loved as youth. That, or inspired by what we spent way, way, way too much time doing - especially if you get all of the references in the show.
This is a pretty awesome show done by the Cal Marching Band last year - a show inspired by all that we loved as youth. That, or inspired by what we spent way, way, way too much time doing - especially if you get all of the references in the show.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Best April Fool's Joke EVAR...
Friday, March 28, 2008
Wired has a great article depicting the plight that Mexican Emo Kids are going through right now. According to the story, Emo Kids in Mexico are being viciously attacked by their Punk and Rockabilly counterparts. But what makes the story so interesting is the sexual undertones outlined by Alexis Madrigal, the article's author. Go head over and check it out, it's pretty fascinating stuff.
There's a video in the article (you can find it below) from a Mexican TV news show, but it does give some interesting visuals to this story.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
W... W.... What???

The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Elizabeth Banks has been cast as Laura Bush in the Oliver Stone directed George Bush biopic, W.
I don't know when the movie takes place, but damn if Ms. Banks is a bit young to be playing the first lady, and for that matter former Goonie Josh Brolin playing the afformentioned Dub seems a bit off too. But I do love those durn Goonies.
But I do trust the 'Stone, so I'll wait and see. Hopefully this comes off more like Nixon or JFK than, say, Alexander...
Sorry about the link for Alexander being messed up, but I figured images of things called Alexander might be more interesting than the film itself.
Check out the (fake) Trailer for W below:
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Yeah Democracy!
The Video Game Voters Network is reporting that the proposed New Mexico bill that introduced legislature taxing video game sales was struck down. This is a great win for the industry, and hopefully serves as a warning to other states trying to legislate the games we love. I'll let VGVN take care of the explanation, but I just thought I'd throw it out here as well.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Snap Judgement: Lost: Via Domus

So here we go again, sorry it's been so long.
Lost: Via Domus is the official video game adaptation of ABC's hit show.
Unfortunately - the game is a 4. (on a scale of 4-42)
Despite an actually interesting connection to the show (the guy who is slammed into the roof of the plane during the crash in the pilot is actually after the character in the game) and terrific in-game character models, the game falls flat in every other respect.
Lets start with play mechanics. Is it 1997? Or is not being able to jump a retro thing? On the serious - the game control is atrocious. Your character (no name - he's a photographer with amnesia! SO ORIGINAL!) runs about the jungle following Vincent the dog or runnign from fuselage to fuselage navigating your way around. The sensitivity is ratcheted way up, so a simple tweak to the right spins the camera around like it's mounted on a stick of butter.
Stick of butter? Where did that come from?
Like I said before, the models are terrific (Claire looks a bit like a pregnant zombie) John Locke is a spitting image of Terry O'Quinn and Jack Shepard is a doppleganger to Matthew Fox. That being said, the quality of voice work runs the gamut. Jack's voice actor sounds pretty believable and Michael Emerson voices Ben Linus (the same character he plays in the series - other actors voice their video game counterpart).
The game is basically a 1999 PS1 survival horror game with prettier graphics and better sound. I wish that Ubisoft - the studio that created the relatively great Assassin's Creed had done more with this license that has such an abundance of terrific content and writers. But alas, as most licensed movie/tv games do, Lost: Via Domus fails to live up to it's source material.
Too Damn Long!!!!!!!!!!
We've been MIA - but we're back, we're here and we are gonna blog like it's 1992.
Oh, wait.
Coming up - Lost: Via Domus (The Lost video game) snap judgment!
We've been MIA - but we're back, we're here and we are gonna blog like it's 1992.
Oh, wait.
Coming up - Lost: Via Domus (The Lost video game) snap judgment!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
ZOMG! Iron Man and The HULK?!?!?

The folks over at Ain't it Cool News are reporting an awesome rumor that Both the Iron Man movie and Hulk movie are shooting a scene TOGETHER!!! Check out the story over there, and remember, it's still a rumor, so don't go getting too excited, but I sure as hell am!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Best Comic Description EVAR

From Marvel's Website:
The Story: "Hey Cyclops, you seen my powers anywhere?"
"Ay-ay, where my wings go at?"
"Dag, I'm all havin' to lift up my coffee with my HANDS, yo."
"Dang. We cold done lost our powerz."
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
WATCH THIS NOW!!! Slapsgiving
This is Marshall's Slapsgiving song, "You just got slapped." It's fan-freaking-tastic.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Watch this Now - YouTube
This is Derrick Comedy. If you haven't watched them, do it now! Funny funny stuff. I know it's complete toilet humor, but you know what, it goes on just long enough to not be un-funny.
Krause, I hardly knew her!

ABC, the first network to do so since the strike began, has picked up a half season show for the whole shebang. Than show is Dirty Sexy Money, and if you're not watching it, you suck.
I usually hate shows about people with money and problems, but the cast in this one is so damn good that it doesn't matter. The money is just a plot device, and isn't the focus of the show.
I'll watch Peter Krause read the paper, so it's pretty nice he can be on TV and such. Especially now that he's on network, not HBO (Which I don't get).
Thursday, November 1, 2007
"Over my dead body will Colbert's name be on the ballot."

It looks like mock pundit Stephen Colbert may hit a roadblock. The good folks over at CNN, a 'right thinking' news source, have posted a story describing what problems "Mr. America" will face in running for office in South Carolina.
In the article, it states that Colbert is planning on running as a Democrat in the state, simply because they charge less to run. It costs $2,500 to run for the Democrat Primary in SC, as opposed to $35,00 for the GOP.
But the money isn't the only problem. Colbert doesn't seem to be what the South Carolina Democratic committee deems "nationally viable," which simply means he isn't campaigning anywhere else.
Read more about it here, and make sure that you go and support the Colbert Nation!
"Stephen Colbert, the right choice for your future."
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The Best News EVAR!

That's right, a sequel to the most frenetic action movie ever is slated to go into production ASAP. I just hope the script is done and doesn't get affected by the WGA writer's strike.
Crank 2: High Voltage
Here's the premise: "(Chev Chelios [Jason Statham]) faces a Chinese mobster who has stolen his nearly indestructible heart and replaced it with a battery-powered ticker that requires regular jolts of electricity to keep working."
How does that not rule to all ends o' the earth? Statham has decided to take this project on before the strike hits, so I can't wait.
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